“Only you define you. You must make this life your own, and by all means, make it juicy.”

– Malena Crawford

My name is Malena Crawford. I am a bestselling novelist, author, international Key Note Speaker, graduate of Iyanla Vanzant’s Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development, and a spiritual life coach specializing in transformation. I am dedicated to empowering women who are committed to transforming their lives, reclaiming their sacred feminine power, and living in complete emotional, financial, and spiritual freedom. My mission is to revolutionize the way that women of color especially see and experiences themselves as they heal and manifest their heart’s desires. Today I have a thriving global personal development company that serves thousands of women, growing success in the literary world, and I enjoy a love-drenched & bountiful personal life—but it was definitely not always this way for me.
(If you are looking for my Official Bio, please scroll down)

My Journey

There was a time when I had no clue of who I was, or how to live an authentic joy-filled life. How could I have? Up until then, I’d spent much of my life hiding, and in silence. When I was a kid, I hid the fact that my family and I were often homeless. While my friends were nestled up in their houses eating Oreos after school, we were shuttling black garbage bags filled with our belongings to and from homeless shelters, damp campsite tents, and shady hotel rooms. I quickly learned how to blend myself into the background in order to survive- my needs, voice, and soul included.

When I was in my 20s I hid the fact that I’d been brutally violated sexually. I’d convinced myself that it had been my fault anyway and I had to keep my secret until the day I died. But behind my silence, I lost even more of myself and started to spiral into a deep, dark wilderness of low self-worth and other gremlins. I kept hiding though. I hid behind relationships hoping they would ‘fix’ me. Spoiler alert, they didn’t. Years of dysfunctional relationships and abusive entanglements just broke me further and ravaged what was left of my self-esteem. The disappointment, abandonment and disillusionment around them helped me to create more toxic beliefs that kept a cycle of pain going. What I believed, I experienced. What I experienced, I believed. I was on a hamster wheel of despair, all the while looking fabulous, getting degrees from top-shelf schools, and amassing material wealth. I learned the hard way that keeping up appearances can kill you.

My beliefs became laws in my life. Here are just a few for your viewing pleasure;

  • I will always suffer.
  • I will never find true love.
  • I always struggle with money, no matter how much I make.
  • Men break hearts and take more than they should.
  • People are unkind and the world is unsafe.
  • It is normal for me to live in chaos, as long as I am surviving.

This was what I thought I knew about life. I thought I was the pain, shame and guilt that I’d gone through. They were facts I could count on, no matter how excruciatingly painful they were to live in. Because I didn’t know the real me, I didn’t know my real power either. I gave it away freely and went on hiding, being fake, and muting my voice. I kept up living as a victim to my beliefs and experiences. Then one day the pain just became too much to continue my madness. It was bad enough to make me think about ending my time on earth. I had what I like to call Epiphany One.

When You Get to the Heart of the Matter, Life Will Start to Change

Okay, okay so it came to me more like a question actually. “I know this isn’t who I really am, and this isn’t all that God has for my life. But what the hell do I do next?” I needed an answer to that, but all I heard was crickets at the time. My life was so loud back then that I couldn’t hear God whispering back to me. Life just kept screaming, MALENA, YOU IN TROUBLE, GIRL! I knew that if I didn’t change then I would surely die, maybe not a physical death—but I would continue to die inside and live a zombie-like existence going through the motions of life. I was so tired of being a sad and heavy woman. Underneath the weight of it all, I knew that the real Malena was happy, light, and full of life and I wanted so badly to live in joy. The heart of the matter was that I didn’t love myself enough to demand it. Enough! Even though just the thought of healing my brokenness felt overwhelming, I made a move towards a better life the best way I knew how.

I started my journey, immersing myself in spiritual principles, laws, and healing arts—pretty much anything I could find that seemed holy enough to ‘fix’ me. I earned certifications in almost every spiritual modality you can imagine. I laid quartz crystals all over my body, churched, did Reiki until the wee hours–yet still, after a few years in, I was unpleasantly reminded that I still hadn’t transcended my pain. I’d just gotten very good at covering it up with a spiritual Band-Aid. Bloop! In came Epiphany Two:

Being ‘Spiritual’ Won’t Help you Transform until You Take Ownership of Your Life. Damn.

In 2008, on a hot summer night, literally everything in my life had imploded and I found myself on my knees, begging God for just one thing- the purpose for my life. This time, I truly listened. I hadn’t really expected an answer, I was just desperate for one. To my surprise, God answered back immediately and simply- “To heal yourself and then help others heal. Come back to Me, yourself.” It was a profound spiritual experience and directive for which I was so incredibly grateful. Little did I know then, that prayer completely changed my life. I made a conscious decision to take a new, royal path. What I knew for sure this time around was that the God I’d been looking for in the ancient texts was alive and well inside of me, and I could trust Her and love Her authentically. I aligned everything about my identity, my truth and my life with the God in me, and reclaimed my Divine Feminine power.

I Began to Live as the Goddess I Have Always Been

I took my life back – laying claim to exactly what I desired and deserved. I became confident, happy and most importantly, I STOPPED HIDING! My love for myself and relationships with others instantly shifted, as did my career and my money! Eventually, I returned to my first love of writing to express my purpose, and penned my first novel telling a part of my own story. I’m not saying that challenging times stopped- not for a second. But who I am and how I respond to life is what makes mine sweet like honey. Today, my mission, passion and work is to offer the same miraculous process and plan that changed my life to other women (and sometimes men) because we all deserve to live a life we love NOW.

Connect with Malena

If my story and ideology resonates with you, then I invite you join the movement and learn more at the links below:

Malena's Official Bio

Malena Crawford is an international spiritual life coach, Key Note speaker, and bestselling author. She holds degrees with Magna Cum Laude distinction in Neuropsychology and Public health from The George Washington University and a Spiritual Life Coaching certification. Malena’s debut award-winning novel, A Fistful of Honey, has received wide acclaim and was branded a “must read” and a “healing balm of a book” by many notables including OWN’s host of Iyanla Fix My Life, Iyanla Vanzant. The story chronicles the heroine’s journey of Alena Ford and delivers a core message of healing and reawakening, one that the author shares all around the world through highly sought after seminars, workshops, and retreats branded as the “Honey Experience”. From New York City to Cape Town, Malena facilitates these experiential and transformative events dedicated to empowering women to step fully into their sacred feminine power, heal their wounds at the deepest root, and create the honey sweet lives that they desire and deserve as the Goddesses they are. In addition to the Honey Experience Goddess School, Malena also founded the Black Divine Feminine Reawakened movement; one dedicated to revolutionizing the way women of color see and experience themselves. A Fistful of Honey is her first novel and she is currently completing its sequel.

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